Sunday Services: 11am & 6.30pm
For more information on our services please see the "I'm New" section

Ace Juniors is a youth club for children aged P1-P5. It is a safe, fun environment for children to play and have fun! Each week there are a variety of games and crafts to get involved in. There is also an opportunity to hear more about God and a story from the Bible each week. Ace Juniors meet every other Saturday night from 6.00 - 7.30 pm (September to April). We would love to see you there!

ACPC youth is the youth fellowship for those in year 8 upwards. It aims to help our young people grow in their faith. We look at some big issues in society considering what God has to say in His word. We study the Bible together and learn from each other. We have fun every week with a variety of games and look forward to a weekend away each year! Grow meets the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month at 7.45pm. We would love to see you there!

The FM - First Monday - Club meets on the First Monday of each month from 8.00 to 9.15. We meet to learn more about Jesus from the Bible, do some craft, singing, end with some snacks and have a bit of craic! This club is for you if you are aged 18 or over and need a bit more help and time understanding things because you have a learning difficulty/ disability. Come along and see for yourself. For more details email info@acpc.co.uk or call 028 9085 2120 9am - 12noon Mon-Fri

Girl’s Brigade provides a place for girls of all ages to meet, socialize and have fun. There is a varied Programme each week including games, crafts and a tuck shop! We spend time week studying the Bible and exploring how we can live out our aim - to seek serve and follow Christ We meet on a Friday night and we would love to see you there! Please get in touch if you would like to know more. Tiny Tots - Explorers - Juniors - Seniors/Brigaders -

Midweek Meetings

Table Tennis club is a space where players of varying ability come together for fun and fellowship. This is open to anyone, so don't be afraid to if you haven't lifted a bat before. You'll also get a cup of tea, a bun and plenty of laughs. Please get in touch for dates and times.

Women together is a ministry for women of all ages. It provides a place for women to gather together to study God’s word and enjoy fellowship together. There is a Programme of bible study, testimony’s from guest speakers and social outings. Women together meets once a month and for full details on our Programme please get in touch!

Ace Youth is for young people aged P6 upwards. It aims to provide a safe and fun place for young people to hang out with their friends. There are games each week including football and dodgeball. There is also an x box and board games for the less energetic! Each week a leader will share something from the Bible and explore what this means in the lives of our young people. Ace Youth meets every other Saturday night (Sept - April) at the following times: 7.30-9.00pm P6 - Yr8 7.30-10.00pm Yr9 up