For the latest services see our YouTube channel, where we are now live-streaming our Sunday services
Week Commencing 29th September:
Sunday: Prayer Meeting at 10am, Morning Service at 11am, Lunch@1,
Evening Service at 6.30pm, Youth Fellowship at 7.30pm
Monday: Bowls at 7.30pm, Table Tennis at 7.30pm
Tuesday: Foodbank at 10am
Wednesday: Cuppa & Chat at 10am, Globalink at 6.30pm
Thursday: Foodbank at 6.30pm, ACPC Ultimate Male 2.0 at 7pm
Friday: Girls’ Brigade from 6pm
Sunday: Prayer Meeting at 10am, Communion Service at 11am
Week Commencing 6th October:
Sunday: Prayer Meeting at 10am, Communion Service at 11am
Monday: Bowls at 7.30pm, FM Club at 8pm
Tuesday: Foodbank at 10am, Craft & Friendship Class at 10.30am
Wednesday: Cuppa & Chat at 10am, Globalink at 6.30pm
Thursday: Foodbank at 6.30pm, Prayer Meeting at 8.00pm
Friday: Girls’ Brigade from 6pm
Saturday: ACE Juniors at 6pm, ACE Seniors at 7.30pm
Sunday: Prayer Meeting at 10am, Harvest Service at 11am,
Evening Service at 6.30pm, Youth Fellowship at 7.30pm
If anyone is interested in joining Abbots Cross as a Communicant Member please speak to Michael.
Voting Papers for the upcoming Committee Election are now available at both entrances to the Church, please collect one – take it home and prayerfully consider who you would like to vote for Committee. Voting Papers need to be returned to the labelled box at the main entrance by Sunday 3rd November.
Thank you to everyone who baked, attended and donated towards our MacMillan Coffee Morning, we raised an amazing £1,765.
Craft & Friendship Class will meet this Tuesday morning at 10.30am in the Magill Hall for anyone who would like to come along.
Lunch@1 is on Sunday 20th October for anyone living on their own. If you would like to attend, please put your name on the sign-up sheet at the back of the Church.
We are looking volunteers to help with Tea/Coffee after the Church service, if you would be willing, please speak to Nicola.
Foodbank are running low on the following items: sugar, vegetable oil, salt, sweet treats for children, toiletries
13th October will be our Harvest Sunday. Harvest and United Appeal envelopes are available in the hallways. Please ensure you put your FWO number on the envelope. As a Church our target for United Appeal for the year is £9,784.
The Tearfund Committee are organising a Church Family Party on Saturday 2nd November at 7pm in the Church Hall. There is no entry fee, but there will be an opportunity to make a donation in aid of our Tearfund project. There will be games, entertainment and food for all the family. If you are interested in attending, please put your name on the sign-up sheets on the tables at the front and back of the Church to give us an idea for catering.
Michael will not be in Abbots Cross on Sunday 13th and Sunday 20th October due to Prebytery business as he continues as Moderator of the Presbytery.