For the latest services see our YouTube channel, where we are now live-streaming our Sunday services
Week Commencing 9th February:
Sunday: Prayer Meeting at 10am, Together Service at 11am, Evening Service at 6.30pm
Monday: Bowls at 7.30pm, Table Tennis at 7.30pm
Tuesday: Foodbank at 10am, Craft & Friendship Class at 10.30am
Wednesday: Cuppa & Chat at 10am, Globalink at 6.30pm
Thursday: Foodbank at 6.30pm, Prayer Meeting at 8pm
Friday: GB from 6pm
Sunday: Prayer Meeting at 10am, Morning Service at 11am, Presby Youth Night at 8pm
Week Commencing 16th February:
Sunday: Prayer Meeting at 10am, Morning Service at 11am, Presby Youth Night at 8pm
Monday: Bowls at 7.30pm, Table Tennis at 7.30pm
Tuesday: Foodbank at 10am, Committee Meeting at 7.30pm
Wednesday: Cuppa & Chat at 10am, Globalink at 6.30pm
Thursday: Foodbank at 6.30pm, Prayer Meeting at 8pm
Friday: GB from 6pm
Saturday: ACE Juniors at 6pm, ACE Seniors at 7.30pm
Sunday: Prayer Meeting at 10am, Morning Service at 11am, Evening Service at 6.30pm
Lunch@1 is on today for those who have put their name on the sign-up sheet at the back of the Church.
Tonight, there will be a Presby Youth Night here in Abbots Cross at 8pm for anyone who would like to attend, Jamie Bambrick will be the speaker.
Meeting Point will be on Wednesday 19th February at 2.30pm in the Magill Hall – this week Stevie Gorman will be coming along to speak to us. If you are free, please come along.
This week Home Groups are due to meet, please speak to your leader re times and location.
ACPC Ladies please save the date for our next event ‘This is my story’ on 25th February at 7.30pm in The Magill Hall.
If you have registered to do a Team abroad this summer, could you please let Nicola know by sending an email to info@acpc.co.uk
If you have registered for Spark, could you please let Nicola know by sending an email to info@acpc.co.uk
ACPC organisation Info:
• If you or an organisation you are involved in are planning on meeting in the Church, please contact the Church Office to book the room,
you can check the calendar on ChurchSuite to see which rooms are available, this will also allow for the heating to be set.
• Where possible could everyone please try and use reusable mugs rather than the disposable cups.
• If you are using anything within the first aid kits, please ensure you complete an accident form and hand it into the Church Office.